Bottling Sunshine![]() |
The other day was particularly sunny at my day job and I showed up to bottle the sunshine. I work at an alternative high school, a “last chance high.” That day, we put on nice clothes, gathered in a field six feet away from each other, and while loved ones cheered from the bleachers, we graduated a couple dozen high school seniors. It was kind of a big deal. We haven’t been able to hold a physical graduation ceremony since 2019 and just two days prior, the State eased restrictions which allowed us to meet mask-free. I hadn’t seen some of my co-workers face-to-face for over a year. It was difficult not to give some of them a hug. Two of the remote teachers — we call them On-line Content Coaches — even flew in from out of state to attend. My high school — WAVE or the Washtenaw Alliance for Virtual Education — is a hybrid program — online and in person — and was designed that way from our inception eleven years ago. We serve students who have not found success in traditional “factory-style” high schools. By “factory-style” I mean schools that operate as if learning was a vast assembly line with heavy gears that needs to be cranked up at 9:00 AM and must chug along until the end of the day. Learning, and to be honest, most work of all kinds in the post industrial economy isn’t like that any more. Our curriculum is self-paced and modular and since we provide a computer and connectivity to everyone who needs it, it’s available whenever the learner is ready… AND given human procrastination — teenagers are humans too (grin) — every student has an Advisor who knows the student’s particular challenges and is able to coax appropriate amounts of work. It’s most exciting, of course, when that coaxing becomes barely necessary. We refer to a specific moment when “the light goes on” and a student realizes that they aren’t earning credit just by showing up and that, in fact, they themselves are in control of the speed of their success. Each of our students has followed an individual path of difficulties and challenges. Some are single parents. Some hold down full time jobs. Some are homeless. Some are transitioning gender. Some have been expelled for weapons or drugs. Some have crippling anxiety or other dire diagnoses. As each graduate walked up to receive their diploma, a personalized message was read, written by their Advisor, noting some of the unique challenges each had overcome and celebrating a particular triumph they’d attained. Soapbox rant — EVERY student walks a different path to graduation. Only alumni associations are served by grouping these personal victories into a “graduation class.” The student speeches, as usual, were the brightest point. We have a wide variety of students and for the most part, we let anyone who wants give a (pre-approved) speech. One speaker spoke about having literally moved halfway across the globe, still mastering English, when he started with us. There were several beautiful speeches, though the one that made me tear up was from someone I’ll call “Tiger.” Tiger spoke of their first day at WAVE when their social anxiety was still off the leash. They couldn’t bring themselves into the lab so one of our Advisors met them in the parking lot to “do school.” I remember Tiger’s first days in the Lab. They came late in the day on Fridays, our least populated time. And they made it in EVERY week. Progress was slow, sometimes almost imperceptible, and yet, by the final months, Tiger was in every day and would seek me out to chat enthusiastically about video games and to give music recommendations. I was so proud of Tiger’s accomplishments, not the least of which was delivering this graduation speech, I think I might have been incandescent. I have attended alternative high school graduation ceremonies for over 20 years. I am NOT a teacher — I fix computers. There is absolutely NO chance that anyone is going to mention me by name in a speech. NO ONE will likely ask to snap a photo with me. I sometimes grouch about my job and call it my “breadwork gig” as if the only thing I take home from it is enough money to buy bread. As the saying goes, we do not live by bread alone. One might wonder why “support staff” would appear at graduation at all. I attend to soak up the glory of this day, to bottle it and store it away. As one of the “non-academic” staff, I NEVER have to goad a student about their schoolwork. We can just chat… about video games or music, about race cars or horror movies, about how life is going for them. During those inevitable cold, dry days along their journey, I can share with them a sip of that bottled sunshine. “I know you can’t see it right now, but I can. There is a special day of triumph and celebration, a moment of acknowledgement and support that is 100% possible for you to reach. And when you make it, you are going to feel SO PROUD of yourself that you are going to glow from the inside out.” |
WHAT’S YOUR BOTTLED SUNSHINE? Are you carrying a victory for someone else, keeping a vision for it alive for those dark days? Has someone done this for you, spoken a word of encouragement about a wonderful possible future that you just can’t imagine. Visions change lives. |
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Blue Cicada Magnet |
Careful readers will note that I MISSED sending out last week’s newsletter and my excuse is instructive. I had really really really wanted to be able to type “All of the free birthday paintings are in the mail so start checking your post boxes” which is still not a true statement. (I have hopes to finish mailing them by the end of the week) It’s a classic case of where the ideal of the Perfect got in the way of a Good Enough.Just because Birth-Month is over does not mean the gifts have ended. To celebrate the Brood X music festival, I am giving away the attractive cicada magnet shown above. Want one? Direct message me with a mailing address and I’ll send it to you! (Obligatory Link to my On Line Store Here) ========================================== CURIOUS about the previous issues of the Mercredi Express? Check them out here: Mercredi Express Newsletters ==========================================Consider forwarding this newsletter to anyone you think might dig it. And if you have received such a forwarded message, consider joining us with this subscription link: The Mercredi Express is my once-a-week reflection on what it’s like being creative during the past week, designed to help you spot resources and opportunities you may have overlooked. You in? |