Writing about my writing still feels a bit strange. I’ve decided to go for a more matter of fact approach.
Writing: On Friday, I compiled the draft of my ghost novel and was pleasantly surprised to discover it weighs in at just over 10,000 words. Feels like a milestone. I spent most of yesterday revising, editing, changing the typeface. I would love to write 2,000 words a day Monday through Friday, then revise on Saturday and Sunday.
Submitting: I have only one story out at the moment.
Reading: I am still taking great advantage of my reading glasses. I’ve recently finished three of Gail Carriger’s Parasol Protectorate books, namely Changeless, Blameless and Heartless. Yes, yes, yes, out of sequence. I’m taking a break from her effervescent wit and breezy style to read Brian Keene‘s The Conqueror Worm. A much more down to earth tale, shall we say.